God's Word
The Open Gate


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The Life I Now Live

God's Garden

It Takes Two to Become One

Where there is Fruit, there is a Root

Bread and Wine

This thing called GRACE

Forgetting those things which are behind

I Will Build My Church

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Springing Forth

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Our Ministry

Pastor Jerry and his wife Loretta, have been in the ministry since 1977. The church they now Pastor, is located on Nursery Road in Pierce County GA. They have pastored Church of New Beginnings since 1986.

Pastor Jerry's ministry is marked by heavily anointed preaching and in-depth teaching of God's word.

Brother Jerry is an accomplished musician, playing guitar and piano. Together Pastors Jerry and Loretta have written many inspired praise and worship songs.

The Praise and Worship Ministry is headed up by their daughter Jennifer, who leads the team where a heavy anointing of God flows. Many have been touched and transformed by the power of God as they lead the congregation in songs, dance and worship to God and His Holy Tabernacle. In adoration to Christ who is our hope of glory. (Col 1:27) The worship service is a vital part of Ministry at Church of New Beginnings and is emphasized under the heavy anointing that is prevalent in our services. Their son Eric is also on the Worship Team, also greatly anointed of God to play drums. God truly has anointed this family for HIS service. We have seen that God truly does LIVE in the praises of His people as "deep calleth to deep". (Psalm 42)

During the span of their ministry Jerry and Loretta have pioneered three churches, pastored one church that had already been established, and worked with another church as evangelism directors. Brother Jerry served his pastoral internship with the Church of God in Bloominton, Illinois. He attended Mid-West Bible College in Bloominton, Illinois for a while. He is presently involved in a writing ministry that the Lord has called him to.

Sister Loretta serves as assistant pastor for Church of New Beginnings, complimenting Brother Jerry's responsibilities in the ministry of the word. Together they share a common vision. That vision is to help people in their relationship with the Lord through preaching, teaching and, counseling.