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Table of Contents

Jesus said "I will build my church"

In Mathew 16:18 Jesus said "I will build my church." Ever since the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 until now, men have been trying to build the church. The first thing we must understand is that only He can build His church, and He is the builder! It is my prayer that we will all grasp very firmly the depth of His statement, "I will build my church."

In this particular study, only a seed of understanding can be planted. To study in depth on this subject would take more words than I could write in a lifetime. Please patient as you read these pages, because this will not cover nor answer all that could be said. I sincerely pray and believe that during the course of your reading that the Holy Spirit Himself, will reveal this tremendous mystery called church. Let us all pray that He will enlarge our capacity to receive truth. Let us pray that He will stretch us beyond our present boundaries. May we also realize that where one moves on, all must move on. Church is a corporate and not just an individual privilege.

I must now insert the following concerning personal growth. It is true that church is a corporate reality made up of all believers and , therefore, we must be in unity and harmony with what the Lord is doing in all believers. However, there is the individual growth and advancement in the things of the Lord. The book of 1Corinthians deals extensively with this. There are baby Christians and there are those who are more mature. We must strive for personal growth.

Now, as we individually grow and prosper in the Lord, the awareness of God's purpose for unity reaches peak levels. We would know that we must . (no matter what the status of our personal relationship with the Lord may be) be in harmony with the work the Lord is doing in the church as a whole. We are members of the same body. Now, it does not matter whether you have been recently born again or whether you have been a Christian for years. We are all in the body of Christ. Ephesians chapter one tells us that the church is His body. With these things in mind let us move on in this study. Let us ask the Lord to open our hearts so we can receive from Him all the things we need to know about church. (top)

What Is Not Church

I am not looking for dead facts in this particular portion of study. Let us look for what is "essence" concerning the facts. Here is the spirit of what is not church. Anything less than grace is not church. The law came from Moses but, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. PRAISE GOD! Grace is not a license to sin and get by. Grace is the enabling power of God to overcome sin in our lives.

There are those who would have you believe that rules and regulations are God's way of dealing with His church. Legalism in any form within the body of Christ is blasphemous. "By grace are ye saved" (Ephesians 2). that is what the Bible says.

The Lord is not impressed with our ability to keep a rule. He is forming within us His nature. A nature that does not need rules. Someone asks the question, "How does this work?" Well, that is a fair question and it demands and deserves a fair answer. Are you ready for the answer? Here it is! Love everybody and do as you please! You see friend, when you love everybody you will do the right things. God is Love. Now, please allow the Lord to make this answer come alive in your heart. Remember what Jesus said. "Love God with all your being and love your neighbor as yourself," Love works no ill will to his neighbor." Love is not so much a "feeling." Love is that which comes from God and is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost.

All of God's people have love. Learn to release this love into the lives of others. Colossians 3:14 says "This is unprovoked and premeditated." In other words, no one should have to earn love from you. Allow the Lord to love people through you.

Remember John3:16 "God so loved the world that He GAVE . "LOVE GIVES." Love gives what is right. So you see, Love is a valid expression of grace. When love flows in any local assembly then grace is the result. Remember, anything less than grace is not church. When we extend grace to people then, we are allowing the Holy Spirit to work unhindered in the lives of those people. On the other hand, if we continually accuse and condemn people for their weaknesses and failures then they will become so preoccupied with our opinion of them, that they will hear us instead of the Lord. We don't have all the answers to their condition, only the Lord does. They need to hear Him. Become an example of grace.(top)

Religious Effort Is Not Church

Legalism in any form is a disguise for unbelief! .

Paul said, "By the grace of God, I am what I am!" Paul did not say, "by keeping rules I am what I am." Religious effort only hinders the Lord's purpose in our lives.

I pray to the Lord that you will receive what I am about to say. You must outgrow a lot of weaknesses and failures in your lives. The Bible says in 2Peter 3:18 "Grow in grace". 2 Timothy 2:1 says, "Be strong in the grace that is in Jesus Christ." Religious effort is a counterfeit for real spiritual growth. We are saved by grace not by works. Legalism is nothing but the dead letter. There is no life in legalism. Whether it comes in the form of a dress code or, whether it comes in the form of a baptismal formula. Legalism will stifle any real spiritual progress in your life. Religious effort is not God serving nor is it people serving. Religious effort is self-serving. May the Lord deliver us from religious effort.

Religious effort produces bitterness, a critical spirit and separation from others in the body of Christ: also resentment, anger, and much frustration. Observe this yourself in the lives of those who follow rules rather than following the Lord Jesus Christ. Religious folk seem to be too angry to love people. Religious effort produces many negatives in people's lives. Religious effort is not church! (top)

Church is not a collection of opinions and preferences

As long as we keep our "opinions", we can not receive any revelation from the Holy Spirit. Opinions will hinder spiritual growth. Have opinions but, remember, an opinion is not a revelation. Our opinions are fueled by our preferences. People who give themselves over to opinions, too often become critical. People with critical attitudes are capable of much evil. Truth is NOT an opinion. Our opinions usually lack the full truth. the way "we see" anything, totally depends on our position. Where we "see" anything from, is extremely important. You see, we may "see" anything from the wrong place. Only truth can position us properly. When we "see" from the position of truth, then we receive revelation.

"Preference" is formed by many factors. While we may have a preference that is not really wrong or evil, it is still only a preference. Preference is personal. Read Romans 14 and see what the Bible says concerning personal preference. While some prefer things done one way, and others prefer things another way, we should never allow preference to divide us spiritually. always be willing for the Lord to help you change your opinion and preference. (top)

Church is NOT "Individualism"

The greatest enemy to the church is "individualism"! Read 1 Corinthians 12. We are members of the same body. Jesus is the head of this body. We are the body of Christ and members in particular.. we desperately need each other. Read Ephesians 4:11-16 and Romans 12:4-8. Those who would try to stand out as it were, become victims of their own estimation of their "self worth" . Some people work frantically trying to establish themselves as somebody of higher worth than their brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. There is a personal walk with the Lord and a personal spiritual growth. Although this is true we should never think that we have any exclusive position in the body of Christ.Spiritual growth is certainly personal. But, body growth, is corporate. In other words no matter how much one grows spiritually, he will never be without needing the whole body. The body is ONE! (Ephesians 1:23). The members are many but, the body is ONE. The members may grow individually but, not so with the body. The body must grow collectively. Therefore, we must be in harmony with what the Lord is doing in the entire church (body). You are not exempt from what the Lord is doing in the whole body. There are no "LONERS" in the church. Leave the realm of "let me" and enter the realm of "LET US". Read Hebrews 6:1-3. (top)

The church is not a "showcase for talents"

There are many "CALLINGS" in the body of Christ. Praise the Lord for diversity! God has so blessed certain people with talent and we should all be thankful. We are all blessed by these anointed talents and abilities. Through music, drama, arts, and many other areas of talent the church and the world over has been blessed and enriched.

Theses callings of individual talents have been and will continue to be a mighty tool of witness for the glory of the Lord. God given talent has a solid place of valid ministry in and to the church and the world. Individuals who have given themselves and their talents and abilities to the Lord have always been a source of inspiration to the church and to the world. In those dark hours of despair when words lose their power and friends seem so distant, just one line from a song can do much to strengthen and undergird us, a song can penetrate the darkness of despair and bring joy and hope. We all thank the Lord for callings of talent.

Tragically, there is a less desirable side to all this. There are those who "market" the gifts of God as though they personally achieved these talents. They glorify self -achievement . It seems that, the things they do are always designed to focus attention to themselves. In this context, church becomes a stage on which the "display their talents." God receives no glory from this kind of foolishness. The church should reject this kind of carnal folly.

Just a word for anyone to whom the Lord has entrusted a "calling of talent". I know that there are many who are sincerely giving God the glory for what is accomplished through their obedience. We know that there are many who realize the magnitude of responsibility that comes with God-given talent. We all thank the Lord for you because, you have been a real source of inspiration to us all. (top)

Church is not that which promotes anyone

Church should glorify Jesus Christ. HIM ALONE! Lift His blessed name! Praise Him! The Lord is the only one WORTHY OF PRAISE! . When we gather for church HE is the only reason. In all we say and do, HE is to be glorified. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me." Lift His name. Never, never, never attempt to draw anyone to yourself. Jesus is God's answer. He not only gives life, He is the life. Any gathering where He is not the focus, where He is not the very center of all that is happening is not worthy to be called church.

There are certain people who derive a lot of satisfaction out of "promoting" individuals. That is blasphemous and anti-Christ, whether it be a well known ministry, church or minister, church leader, singer, group, or whatever, nothing deserves praise but HIM! Let us promote HIM. Praise you Lord Jesus for you alone are worthy of ALL praise and worship. If anyone accomplishes great deeds in your name, we praise YOU Lord Jesus. (top)

Church is NOT a status symbol

People should be careful and allow the Holy Spirit to place them in a local fellowship. Sadly, too often people attend a church for all the wrong reasons. the Lord deals with different fellowships in many different ways and through many seasons of processing and refining brings local fellowships closer to HIS purpose for them. These dealings of the Lord will produce "high" times and "low" times. Some folks see the high times as a reason to attend a particular church, but, as soon as the Lord begins to deal in a way that produces a "low" time, these same folks will leave in search of a church that is experiencing a "high" time. This is very sad. Our identity with the fellowship that the Holy Spirit has placed us in should mean enough to us that we would continue to be faithful through all the seasons of the Lord's dealings in our local church.

As sad as it may seem, church to a lot of people is no more than religious "status symbol". They like to say, "the Lord sure is blessing at our church." Well, the truth is the Lord is blessing everywhere in all His dealings whether they seem to be "high" or "low". Spirituality is measured by "personal" faithfulness. While your church may be "on fire" as it were, you yourself may be and iceberg. It is hard to keep your happiness in someone elses' head because, your walk with the Lord is not measured by someone else's experience. It is this kind of erroneous thinking that causes church to become no more than a "status symbol". The carnal mind measures by the wrong standards. God does not measure a church by : attendance, members, youth programs, choirs, or anything along those lines. Never try to get anyone to attend your church because of any of these things. You witness to people about Jesus! Allow the Lord to place them in a church. Now, that does not mean that we should not invite people to the church we attend! It does mean that we should not "pressure" them to be a part of our local fellowship. Let the Holy Spirit place them.

Remember, we are not "competing" with each other. We are all on the SAME TEAM. We all want to give Jesus praise. We do not want to praise our own efforts.

The Lord desires unity. Competition comes from the evil one. Let us not pervert the purpose and plan of God by trying to establish reasons for men to praise us. The only thing that is worth while in any church is the presence of the Lord. (top)

Church is not a place of prejudice

I do not want to linger on this subject. Just let me say that prejudice is not limited to the color of one's skin. There is way too much prejudice in the church. From clothes, to hairstyles. From jewelry, to baptismal formulas, this evil is rampant in the church. Issues that are really non- issues, have separated the church. Non-essentials have found a place of such importance in the minds of many people that fellowship with them is impossible. It is tragic that we place our "pre-judgement" above the high calling of fellowship. We should patiently endure each other. We may not agree on every point but, who knows who is really right? We should not spend all our time and energy trying to get folks to be like us and see things "our" way". We should allow the Lord to knit us together in His love.

Well by now you may be worn out with all the negatives you have read. I am sure that you already have an overall view of what has been said thus far. These things have more than likely been known by you.

I pray we can all work together to allow the Lord to correct these areas for us. But, I want to look at what church is. Now, remember, I do not have all the answers. By no means could I cover this vast subject. Please bear with me and try not to be disappointed, in the way I present this. It is not my purpose to try and correct anyone concerning church. It is my DEEP desire to see the body of Christ come into the unity of the Holy Spirit. (top)

Church is a living reality!

Church is HIM! He is the head, we are the body. Ephesians 1:22-23. Church is not some formal ritualistic gathering of people. Church is HIM! He is not just practiced religion. church is HIM! He is the head, and we are the body, what a revelation! Church is made up of people who are indwelled by Christ. (Colossians 1:24-27) Church is that people who are "built together" for an inhabitation of God through the Spirit of God, (Ephesians 2:21-22). Church is not just membership! Church is not just a religious looking building! CHURCH IS NOT MAN MADE! Church is not Man-Centered! His church is not the result of human ability. The Lord Jesus Christ rules as a King of Kings and Lord of Lords in His Church. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are in the Lord's church. The five fold ministry is the Lord's governing dynamic in His church. Anything less than what I have just described is not HIS church.

His church is ALIVE! His church is not just a three times a week group session. His church is not just "religious therapy". His church is a LIVING reality. He not only builds his church, He IS His church. He is our head, we are His body. the Lord Jesus is ever active in His church. In the book of Revelation chapter two verse one declares that He walks in the midst of His church in and among His people. He is the sole reason for what we call church. There is no other reason to gather. People in His church do not gather just to hear the choir sing or to hear the preacher. People in His church gather because of Him. His church only boasts in Him. His church is a living reality because he is a living reality in the people who make up His church. (top)

Church is a place of fellowship and worship

Although church is not just a gathering of people, we must gather to be a church. Jesus said, "where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them". (Mathew 18:19) (re-read Revelation 2:1) Some people seem to think it is all right to serve the Lord apart from being active in a local body. That is a devastating mistake! You must be part of a fellowship that is under the governing hand (five fold ministry) (Ephesians 4:11) of the Lord. You can not disregard the Lord's admonition to gather together so He can be "in the midst".

I want to expose you to a revelation that perhaps you have never considered. Fellowship is a high form of worship to God. Now, you may wonder what that means. We are members of His body, and unity is a must. As I said earlier, we must learn to patiently endure each other. We must learn to love each other with His love. FELLOWSHIP CREATES THE ATMOSPHERE NECESSARY TO CHALLENGE OUR SELF-CENTERED-NESS. (self-centered-MESS!!). A proper understanding of true Bible fellowship will teach us many things. One major lesson will be that we will come to know that there is a cause greater than "I". He must increase, "I" must decrease. (John 3:30) Other people will become very important. Fellowship gives us a place to allow the Lord to give a fuller expression of who He is and through us. We must place a high value on fellowship. (top)

Church is a place of acceptance

We must learn to accept people. This does not mean that we are in full agreement with their lifestyles. We accept people, not their sin. Please, read this carefully. Do not look for what is NOT God in peoples lives. Instead search for what IS God and on that basis accept them. If you are looking for what is not God, you will easily find many reasons to reject people. Make a genuine effort to see something of the Lord's work in the lives of others.

There are many things that the church can not allow and we must maintain a responsibility to God's word when it comes to correction. When correction is properly administered it produces proper results. Criticism is not God's way of dealing with people. Remember, we accept people, we deal with people, God deals with sin. The Holy Spirit will bring the conviction that will cause people to forsake sin. The Holy Spirit will bring the conviction that will cause people to forsake sin. If we try to correct people, without the real leading of the Lord they will probably perceive our correction as condemnation. We are not allowed to do that. Let us love people and let the Lord correct them. REMEMBER, church is not a "system of religion", Church is PEOPLE!(top)

Church is a place of encouragement and strength

Ephesians 4:16 says, we are to edify one another. That means to build up and strengthen. Never gossip, never criticize, nor tear down or destroy God's church! Church is a refuge to the multitudes. The Bibles speaks of the "cities of refuge". That is what church is, a place where people can begin anew. A place where people are for you, and not against you. Much could be said here but, you get the picture. Allow the Lord to minister His love through you into the lives of people that He put in your life.(top)

Church is a place of commitment

There are multitudes of half hearted Christians. What a disgrace to the mighty Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. His example is the cross. He totally committed. HE GAVE US HIS LIFE! All that He is He gave to and for the church. God help us to become responsible to His call in and on our lives. Most people have a greater commitment to their jobs than they do to the church. They try to never miss work. (That is the power of the dollar) On the other hand, to miss church does not seem to be a serious offense for them. When you are a part of a local fellowship with the same intensity that you commit to your job, God blesses and rewards your faithfulness! You may not always be right but, You can be faithful. You may not always "feel" like it but, you can be faithful.

We need to quit making excuses and commit wholeheartedly to the local church where the Holy Spirit has placed us. If most people missed time on their jobs like they missed time at church, they would be fired! If most people paid their bills like they paid their tithes, they would end up in financial straits. Why is the church not as important as Little League? Why is the church that Jesus Christ lived and died, and lives again for, so very unimportant to so many people?

Sunday morning two hours. Sunday evening two hours. Wednesday night, one and half hours. WHEW! Why that is five and a half hours. Too much work huh? Mortgage payment 25% of my income, automobile payment 10% and entertainment 15%. Thats not too bad. Tithe 10%...... that's too much! Now you see... and you get my point. I am not trying to condemn anybody or to criticize but, we have a ways to go as far as commitment is concerned. We want to hold God to HIS word. Well, His word is conditional. We MUST commit to be obedient to COMMIT!!

Well, there you have it. Not nearly all that could be said. I am sure you could add a lot to what you have read. It is my heartfelt prayer that the Lord will help us ALL to become more serious concerning CHURCH.(top)

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