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This Thing Called Grace

One of the most misunderstood and most mis-represented truths in the church is this thing called Grace. So very difficult to define within the context of religion is this wonderful word. Grace, flowing from the very heart of God to mankind! The Bible tells us that "Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." [John 1:17] Jesus came from the Father full of Grace! "By Grace are ye saved!" [Ephesians 2:8]

It was grace that removed the burden and power of sin and death from us and in the single greatest act laid our burden on the supreme sacrifice, Jesus Christ, and He took the sins of mankind to the cross and died the death we should have died.[Romans 5:8] "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Now if sin was the problem, and Jesus took our problem to the cross, then, the problem is solved! Now be honest, doesn't your mind rebel against this? I must admit that this challenges me like nothing else in the word of God.

Romans eight says, " There is therefore NOW no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus." Those are powerful words! Jesus said, " He that believeth on him, [Jesus] is NOT CONDEMNED. " [John 3:18] Jesus said that condemnation is this; that light has come into the world and men loved darkness more than light. We know that Jesus is the light that has come into the world. May I say that those who are in Christ Jesus love light more than darkness? Of course this is true because Jesus is the light and we love Him. Knowing this, do we have the courage to face reality? We love light, but we still battle darkness. That is the very real challenge we all face. Think of the battles you have won. Think of how much you have grown in your walk with the Lord. David encouraged himself in the Lord and I believe that there are times that we should encourage ourselves in the Lord. Just remember, you did not win any battle without the help of the Lord! Now just to keep things in perspective; think of the battles you have lost. Think of the times that you did not even try to win. "Oh no", you say! "Not Me!" Well, have you ever gossiped, lied, been envious or disobeyed the Spirit of the Lord? "But," you say, "I have repented!" That is the good news you need to hear right now. You see, the reason you repented is this; you love light not darkness.

One misconception about grace is that people seem to think that grace is a license to sin and "get by with it." That is not true. No one should sin! That is no one should willfully sin. Let me put it this way: we should resist sin. Although we should not sin we all know that there are times when we do sin. The Bible says if we sin we have an advocate with the Father. That advocate is Jesus Christ. Remember, grace and truth came by Jesus.

With these things in mind let's try to define this thing called grace from a spiritual perspective rather than a religious position. A clear definition of grace is this: the power given us by God, working in us helping us overcome sin in our lives. Grace is not permission to sin, but, it is the power to overcome sin! Simply put, while we are allowing "Christ to be formed" in us, [Galatians 4:19] grace covers our tracks! Our goal should not be "getting by with sin," our goal should be a life so full of grace that we have no desire for sin!

Pastor Jerry Mercer

Church of New Beginnings
2673 Nursery Road
Blackshear, GA 31516

All Bible Studies © 2003 Jerry Mercer