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Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind

If we allow our past to continue to contaminate our present condition, we will pollute our lives with resentments and we will be forced to recycle "old feelings" over and over. Not only will our future be forfeited but, our present condition will be impotent to produce any real hope for "life" beyond this moment. All past experiences are not negative and we must allow all the good influences of our past to continue to nurture our present condition. But those experiences that somehow tend to drain us of our zest for life must be defeated in their attempt to forever hold us in their grip. We must not only escape but, we must totally conquer and forever forsake those influences that would keep us from realizing our full potential for the present.

  To live in the past means never enjoying the present. Living in the past not only deprives us but, also, those who are so much a part of our present. Our lives have been filled with that which is pleasant and that which is not so pleasant. We cannot undo our past and thereby "rid" ourselves of the problems it has produced for our present, but, we can learn to draw on all those experiences in a positive way. Listen very carefully! We are not our condition. We are who we are and not so much what we have experienced. We have been conditioned by experiences, therefore, we too often find our expression or lifestyle being walked out by those past influences rather than our present condition.

The answer to this dilemma is found in the Bible. The apostle Paul said, "forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth to those things which are before..." [Philippians 3:13]. Our present should be guided by what lies ahead and not by what lies behind. Although our lives have been' shattered and fragmented and the pieces of whom we were are scattered over many years of a past over which we had no control, our future is secure in Jesus Christ!

The Bible says in 2Corinthians 4:16 that we are renewed day by day. Let's not wear ourselves out with what is worn out but, let us move onto maturity in the Lord. [Hebrews 6:1]. The past lives of many people contain deep hurts, much frustration and misgivings. We dare not minimize the pain inflicted on many precious people. But, rejoice, you have a right in God to forget your past and move forward with God's plan for your life. Our present will all too soon become our past. Let's be careful to fill our present condition with life centered in Jesus Christ.

Knowing that a great part of our future depends on our present should cause us to be cautious in all we do. First, "Take no thought for the morrow..." That is what Jesus said. We cannot "live" in the future any more than we can "live" in the past. If we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, our lives will take depth and meaning in our present. Search out and see whatever good is available to you and pour yourself into it.

We must live in the now! Now faith is! Be obedient in your walk of faith and you will find that your life has "real value" in your present.

Pastor Jerry Mercer

Church of New Beginnings
2673 Nursery Road
Blackshear, GA 31516

All Bible Studies © 2003 Jerry Mercer