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Springing Forth

(First kings 4:33)


Compared to the cedars

that grow so tall

What is this little hyssop

that springs out of the wall?


So very lowly

not grand or tall,

Why does it even dare

to claim to have a call?


The cedars of Lebanon

so stately and great

and then this little hyssop

of such a lowly state.


Look all you will

but you’ll never see

any great buildings

made from this little tree!


So why does God take time

to give this tree a place?

What has it ever done

that so stirs God’s grace?


When God commanded His people

to sprinkle blood upon the door

He said, "Use the little hyssop,

that’s what I made it for."


When God told Moses

to sprinkle the blood for sin

He called this little hyssop

into service again!


God used this little plant

over and over again,

where-ever the blood was sprinkled

to cover up sin!


Even on the cross

where Jesus died for sin;

we see the little hyssop

called to serve again!


Few would pay attention

and most don’t really care

This little tree doesn’t seem like much

but somehow it’s always there.


Maybe there are times

when you feel you have no part

You really want to serve Him well

but you just don’t have the heart!


After all, who are you?

You’ve never done anything great.

Just like the little hyssop

you feel your lowly state.


But tell me friend,

what would God have done,

if He had no hyssop tree

when He needed one?


All the things could be there,

everything in place,

but, without the hyssop to sprinkle the blood,

could we really know His grace?


So just like the hyssop

springing out of the wall

we’re not here to be noticed

we’re here to obey His call!


See also: Exodus 12:22, Leviticus 14:4,6,49,51,52, Psalms 51:7

John 19:29 and, Hebrews 9:19.

written by Jerry Mercer (copywrite 1999)

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