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Bread and Wine

At the very offset of this study it is my prayer that the Lord would grant each of us a deeper, fuller and  more expansive  understanding of himself. Our goal should be him. To know him in a fuller dimension should be the ultimate of our intention. Too many  times we  have  been taught  deep and precious  Bible truths in a less than sober manner.   In that setting, we can reduce  these  enormous  life changing truths to the level of "fun facts" with very little practical value. Although my purpose is to uncover certain truths, my greater purpose is to draw attention to Him.
     Therefore  as  you read these  pages,  please do not look for some startling  new revelation. Still, in the  midst of  the stirring  that might arise in your heart, look for him. He is our life's goal. He is our destination. Remember,  knowing the truths of the Bible  is a priceless  privilege, but knowing Him who is the truth  is a far greater privilege.
     First, let's  look at something  Jesus  said  in John 6.  Word  had gotten around how he had fed the five thousand with only five barley loaves  and  two small fishes. Now, the  people  who were opposed to his  ministry, were  trying to counter  this  obvious  miracle by saying that Moses  did a greater  feat by  feeding  all of Israel  in the wilderness  for forty  years.   In reply to this  Jesus  made some of the most startling statements  found in the Bible. First, He   said, "Moses  gave  you not that  bread." In other words  it was God who gave the bread.  A  quick lesson here.  Never, never, glory  in a  man,  glory  in the Lord.   Bread from heaven can be seen as  revelation from the word of God. For instance;  your    Pastor could be teaching on a subject in the word that you have  heard  many  times.   Suddenly  this  truth is  seen in a greater light. Your spirit is flooded  with  this  truth in a way that brings you understanding and enlightenment. That is bread from heaven. Your Pastor had been saying things he had been saying  the  same  way  for  years.   There  was nothing new in the presentation he gave. However, the Father gave you bread.
     When we receive  this  bread from  heaven, we have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. In other words, no man can reveal the deeper things of God. Only the Holy Spirit can give us revelations.
     Now  back to the  subject  matter.   Jesus  told  this  group  of  people  that  it was  God  who gave  this true bread from heaven. Then in verse thirty five Jesus made this astounding statement. "I am the bread of life." This  is  the  very  heart of the matter.  Jesus is God's provision. He alone gives life. No amount of religious activity can produce life. Education, information,  nor even revelation can produce life. He alone gives life.
     Moving  ahead in verse forty eight, He again emphasizes, "I am the bread of life." He identified  his  origin as  the  bread  of  life. "I am the living bread which came down from heaven." Then mystery of mysteries  he said,  "Except  ye  eat my flesh and drink by blood, ye have no life in you." Again in verse forty eight he drives  his  point deep into the hearts of those around  him. The  manna  in the wilderness  was  not sufficient for the giving of life. Because, those  who ate the  manna eventually  died.   Eat this  bread  from  heaven he says and you will never die.
     At the last supper recorded in Matthew 26:26-28, we learn the practical aspect of this tremendous  truth.   Most of us  have  participated  in the  communion of the Lord's  supper.   In other  words  the  communion  wafer and  the cup of grape juice.  Any child even an unbeliever, could  take  part in eating  a wafer  and  drinking  a cup of juice. It is not so much the  physical  act of  eating  and  drinking  that serves  his  purpose  in this truth. It is an act of faith in receiving these elements with a greater spiritual awareness of the purpose of communion. Another set of scriptures  needs to be  included  here. 1 Corinthians 11:24-25.
Paul gives   instruction  concerning  the  bread and the cup. He emphasizes that all of this is more  than  just eating and drinking.  It is far more than just a religious exercise.  While we gather in one place at a particular  moment in time to partake of the Lord's  table,   there  is  a greater reality to be acknowledged. That reality is that while we eat a wafer and drink a small cup of juice, we are confessing  in a very  real sense that we are  aware  that God is  continually providing  day  by  day,  moment by  moment, the body  and the  blood of Jesus to us.   What   we  do on a natural plane by taking communion is, declaring to those around us, and to the realm of  the  spirit,  that we  are sustained by  that  which God provides  for us  in the source of  life,  Jesus!
     Using  what  has  been said thus  far, let us go  back to an incident found in Genesis 14. Abram had  just  won a  great  battle when he was  met by  Melchisedec, king of  Salem (peace) and  the  priest of  the  most high God.   This  Melchisedec  brought to Abram  bread and wine.  Now, can you see  what the Lord was doing  here?   The  Lord  would  demand  Abram to produce a son, Isaac. He would be unable  in his own strength to produce what God would be requiring.   But,  praise  the  Lord, He  never  leaves  us to be frustrated by our own limited ability. He  has made a way for us through our Lord Jesus Christ!   Here is a beautiful picture of the  Father giving  bread (body) and  wine (blood), our Lord  Jesus to Abram.   God  in his infinite wisdom and kindness, did not leave Abram to his own resources and abilities. He ministered  Jesus to him!
     Not only did  the  Lord  provide  Abram  with  the  bread  and wine so he could produce Isaac, But there came a time when Abraham  faced his greatest test. God who had given him a son, Isaac,  said  to Abraham,  give him  back to me.   Abraham  by  now  was  beginning to understand that God could do the impossible.  The story is found in Genesis 22 Abraham in obedience to the Lord, was ready to offer Isaac his only son. (See Genesis 22:2) God only recognizes  His  work  in our lives.  In verse eight of this chapter Abraham  assures Isaac  that God will provide Himself a lamb.
     Friend, whatever  the  Lord  brings  into  your life  remains  His.  He will make demands on those  things  that he has  put into  your life.  Right  now  God is demanding  us to give back to him, for his service, those things he has given us. The gift of God is Jesus Christ.
     We can see the Lord demanding back the bread and wine from one of Abraham's' descendants.   Mary  gave birth to the bread and wine. What the Lord had ministered to Abraham  was  demanded of  Mary. Abraham  receives  Jesus in the form of  bread and wine from  Melchisedec.   The Lord  received  from  Mary  the  bread  and  wine,  Jesus.
     Now the  Lord  has  given  to us  the  bread  and  the  wine,  Jesus.   Friend,  the Lord  is saying to his church, all I want from you is that which I have given you, Jesus. Not fleshly efforts,  not religious  nonsense,  not anything  that  hype  and carnal  methods  have  produced..   We as  priests  of  the Lord,  are to minister to others, like Melchisedec did to Abram.   The Bread and Wine, Jesus. Not out of our own opinions, ideas, notions, or selfish motives.   Simply give them Jesus.
     I pray that the Holy Spirit will make this  message come alive in your heart. I pray  that the Lord  will re-focus  and  re-center  the  Church  in Him.   Him  alone!  Remember, what  the Lord has  given you, will be  required of you. Be prepared to give Jesus to those around you. God gave  us  Jesus so we can give him to those around us.  Refuse to be bogged down in meaningless nonsense, self effort or empty religious do- dads.  COME ALIVE IN HIM!

Pastor Jerry Mercer

Church of New Beginnings
2673 Nursery Road
Blackshear, GA 31516

All Bible Studies © 2003 Jerry Mercer